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The Fresno State-Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic, a program of the California Scottish Rite Foundation provides speech, language, and literacy treatment of childhood language disorders. We support 19 RiteCare Childhood Language Centers in communities across California, free of charge. The Fresno State-Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, totally reliant on philanthropy from individuals, foundations and corporate partners.  We do not receive any state or federal funding. 

You Can Make a Difference….

The commitment and generosity of our benefactors – people like you – have been a source of strength and growth for the RiteCare Childhood Language Centers of California, a program of the California Scottish Rite Foundation for over 60 years.  No matter the size or type, all gifts are meaningful and provide important support for the children we serve.
You can touch someone’s life and make a difference right now. Your gift today can make a difference and will help change a child’s life!


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Letter from a grateful parent:

You Can Make a Difference!

“It is difficult to find words to express thanking you for saving our child’s life. This is what you have done. You took our beloved child, destined for failure and heartache, and pointed him in the direction of happiness and success.”

Girl Receives Care at the RiteCare Childhood Language Center


Help Children Find Their Voice

The California Scottish Rite Foundation is dedicated to support and assist children in California by providing childhood speech-language, literacy and education programs for a lifetime of improved communication and confidence.




Help children speak and communicate clearly.

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Contact Us

Are you a parent seeking speech and language services for your child? Start here! Please fill out the form below as the first step in connecting with our team. By completing this form, we can assess your child's needs and guide you through the process of accessing our free services. We're here to help your child thrive!

© 2024 by the California Scottish Rite Foundation, a 501c (3) organization. The Federal Tax Number for the California Scottish Rite Foundation is: 94-6078728.

1435 “L” Street
Fresno, CA 93721

Fresno State - Scottish Rite Speech And Language Clinic

Phone: (714) 547-7325





Literacy is the ability to read and write.

Reading is a multifaceted process to make meaning from print.

Writing is the process of generating text.

The following skills are required for successful reading and writing:

Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words.  Understanding that spoken words and syllables are made up of discrete sounds.

Phonics instruction teaches children that specific sounds belong to specific letters or specific letter patterns.

Reading fluency is the ability to read with consistent speed, accuracy, and expression.  Children read fluently when they are able to recognize words automatically and are no longer focused on how to read.

Vocabulary is knowledge of words and their meaning. A strong vocabulary assists with reading comprehension.

Reading Comprehension is the ability for a child to understand what they have read as well as to understand what they have written.

Spelling is the forming of words from letters according to accepted rules. Learning to spell and learning to read rely on the same underlying knowledge (i.e. relationships between letters and sounds).

child smiling in learning environment


Language is how we use words to form ideas and then share them.

  • Language is expressive, sharing thoughts and ideas.

  • Language is receptive, understanding what others say.

  • Language is semantics, what words mean. Some words have more than one meaning.

  • Language is syntax, putting words in the correct order.

  • Language is morphology, changing word meaning by adding sounds (i.e. “eat- eats- eating” or “done-undone-redone”).

  • Language is social.  We all need to know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to be socially appropriate.

All language therapy programs are individualized. Sessions are conducted by our licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist. Language therapy can improve your child’s expressive language, so they can express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings and become an effective communicator. Language therapy can also improve your child’s receptive language skills so they can better understand instructions at home, in the classroom, and during extracurricular activities and enjoy success in all areas of life.

child doing learning exercise


Speech is how words and sounds are produced and include the following:

Articulation is how clearly we say sounds. Some children cannot say the /r/ or /l/ sound and need help to improve their articulation skills.

Fluency is the flow, smoothness, and rate of speech.  A disfluency is a break in the flow of speech, which is common for everyone.  Stuttering occurs when there are more breaks or dysfluencies than is typical.

Voice is how we use our breath and our vocal folds to produce sound.  The quality of child’s voice can become harsh if there is over-use from shouting, vocal pitch can be too high or too low, and voices can be too soft or too loud.

At the RiteCare Childhood Language Center we offer a variety of intervention models to assist children in the development of their speech skills. A majority of the time, children are seen in one-on-one intensive therapy sessions year-round. When appropriate, children may participate in small group therapy sessions to help generalize skills to new and more challenging settings.

All speech therapy programs are individualized.  Sessions are conducted by our licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist.  Speech therapy can improve the correct production of sounds, improve the flow of speech, and improve vocal quality and pitch.  We can help your child gain the skills they need to be a success in school and beyond.

child smiling in learning environment



Established in 1992, the Fresno State - Scottish Rite Speech And Language Clinic has made a lasting difference in the lives of children in Fresno and the surrounding communities. The RiteCare Childhood Language Center provides life-changing speech, language, and literacy treatment of childhood language disorders free of charge.  Services are provided to children ranging from 18 months to 18 years of age.

The Fresno State-Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic is dedicated to serving children of all ages in the community with speech and language needs and is a program of the California Scottish Rite Foundation. The California Scottish Rite Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, totally reliant on philanthropy from individuals, foundations and corporate partners.  We do not receive any state or federal funding.


To make a contribution by cash or check, please send payments to:


Fresno State-Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic

1435 “L” Street
Fresno, CA 93721

Please make checks payable to the California Scottish Rite Foundation, and include “RiteCare CLC Fresno” in the memo section.


Map of the parking spaces

Client Parking

Park in the highlighted sections.

Map to the parking machines

Parking Machine

Use the parking machines to obtain a daily parking pass.

Map to the entrance of the Professional Human Services building

Enter Here

Professional Human Services 220

Map to the entrance of the Professional Human Services Building.

Room 220

Take the stairs or the elevator to Room 220 on the second floor of the Professional Human Services Building.

Directions to the Clinic Waiting Room

PHS 220

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How to add your Child to the Waitlist

Thank you for your interest in the Fresno State-Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic!

The Fresno State-Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic is dedicated to serving children of all ages in the community with speech and language needs.

Please click on the link below to fill out a case history form to add a child to our waiting list.


Waiting Period

Our clinic operates on a first come first served basis and has a waiting period of 6-9 months.

Subject to Approval

Please note that no clinic spot is guaranteed. All placements are subject to the clinic director's approval, are based on client and student clinician needs, and available spots.

We will call you

An office staff will call you when a spot is available.

Self-Referral is OK

Clients can self-refer and do not need a physician order.


Diagnostics Clinic

Individual therapy

Bilingual therapy clinic


  • SEALS Early Intervention Preschool (1.5- 3 years old)

  • STARS Autism Preschool (3-5 years old)

All clinic services are free of charge.

For more information on the Speech and Hearing Clinic:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 559-278-2422 or

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