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A Ray of Light from the RiteCare Childhood Language Center of San Bernardino
In a recent testimony, a parent expressed her sincere gratitude toward a member of her child’s care team at the Rainbolt RiteCare...
Oct 27, 20233 min read

Living with Pure Alexia: Understanding the Challenges and How Donations Can Help
Pure alexia, also known as letter-by-letter reading or agnosia for written language, is a type of acquired reading disorder that affects...
Jul 12, 20235 min read

How Hyponasality Affects a Child's Ability to Communicate
If your child has been diagnosed with hyponasal speech, you probably have a lot of questions. Like, what is hyponasality and how will...
Jul 12, 20238 min read

Breaking the Stigma: Advocating for Children with Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder
Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder (SCD) affects between 7-11% of eighth graders. This condition affects a child’s conversation...
May 31, 20238 min read

Celebrating the Life of Cody Williams 1958-2023
In 1962, Cody became the first patient at the Scottish Rite Institute for Childhood Aphasia at Stanford University under the supervision of
Mar 6, 20232 min read

Is Your Toddler A Late Talker?
For parents, the anticipation of their child's first words is exciting. Will my baby say “Mom” or “Dad”? It is a special moment that will...
Feb 8, 20238 min read

What Do Speech-Language Pathologists Do?
When children come to our Rite Care Centers, they interact with a speech-language pathologist. These speech-language pathologists will be...
Jan 16, 20238 min read

What Are Speech Sound Disorders in Children?
The prevalence of speech sound disorders is evident: Approximately 10% to 15% of preschoolers and 6% of students are affected by them....
Jan 16, 20237 min read

How Megan (9) is Conquering the “R” Sound
Being unable to communicate is not the only painful expense of a speech impediment. Sometimes speech impediments can cause kids to be...
Jan 16, 20233 min read

How James (3) Learned to Say Three Magic Words
The gift of speech is one that we often take for granted. Being unable to truly express ourselves, especially as children, can make us feel
Jan 16, 20234 min read
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