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Can Large Tonsils Impact Speech in Children?
Many issues can cause speech impairments and speech disorders. But could speech impairment be caused by the tonsils? Can this often...
Dec 7, 20228 min read

What is Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder in Children?
Imagine being able to understand words but unable to express them yourself. Or imagine not even being able to understand the words in the...
Dec 6, 20228 min read

What is Dysphoneidetic Dyslexia in Children?
If you think about it, reading difficulties are something that can impact a child’s entire life. Being unable to read makes learning...
Dec 6, 20228 min read

The 6 Key Components of a Childhood Literacy Program
Language literacy in its many forms is fundamental for the childhood developmental process and children’s later success in life....
Nov 9, 20228 min read
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